A Look at 2020, the worst year in modern history.

Well, we are now officially 3/4 done with 2020, good riddens!

If covid weren’t enough, we had murder hornets, mass-unrest and the emergence of venomous pus caterpillars in Virginia.

That pretty much sums up the year and it will probably be one for the record books as the worst years in modern history.

But why did this all happen in 2020? Was it just nature or a greater power unloading a lot of bad mojo all at once?

Or perhaps there is a more scientific explanation.

A space time anomaly perhaps?

“Fake news!” you shout.

Well, hear me out.

Perhaps some patron or good-intentioned person from the future wanted to save us from the catastrophe of 2020. If he went back to stop it, perhaps he ultimately set into motion other repercussions from trying to disrupt the space tie continuum. And although good-intention, caused things like deadly riots, murder hornets, poisonous caterpillars and on and on to start popping up.

With all of these mini-crises popping up, it is only catapulting 2020 as the year to be feared.

With any luck, 2021 will be here before we know it and we can put 2020 in the rear view mirror and focus on all of the good that the new year will bring, because after all, For Every Action there is an Equal and Opposite Reaction.

Banner year perhaps?

Why Skynet is closer than you think!

Hah, you jest, that’s just a dumb fictional antagonist from a movie…or is it?

You see, everything has been slowly automated–and you probably haven’t even noticed. What’s a personal check? What is a hamburger flipper? What’s a 40 hour work week in the office?

These are all things that have been and are being replaced by the technology age. Banking is all done virtually. Drinks are being filled automatically by intelligent machines at your local fast food joint. People are now telecommuting and virtual conferencing while working from home.

So what, Viva La Digital Age, you scream with excitement. Well, do you think there is a reason why we are being separated from one another in an age when we need to cling to our humanity more than ever?

Divide and conquer, remember that saying? If you divide the humans, they will fall? But what about the architects, will they meet their maker too? Indelibly, but they might be the last to go. In the meantime, humanity buckles to productivity and profits. As the desire for profits and efficiency grow the need for human interaction and humanity yield. Now it’s all a game of dollars and cents–0’s and 1’s.

What’s the one way to prevent sky net from coming, the resistance, the precious resistance. But what is a resistance that doesn’t communicate? Better yet, what is a resistance that can no longer communicate because the ways they used to meet, to plan and to brain storm are all done electronically and now those are being filtered through the same cybernetics and optical wires that are running the machines…

You see where I’m going with this.

The more power we give up, the more they take. And by they, pick your poison. We think it’s all in the name of efficiency, we are told it serves productivity, we are instilled with the fact that it’s for the greater good…until the greater good no longer looks out for you.

Beware Skynet is coming!