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Sample Chapters - Novels


Contents of this script are © 2015-2016 Joseph A. Michael and are protected. Do not use for purposes other than informational.




The scope waivered. On target and then off again. This was the first assassination that Jacko had ever been hired for.

On the stage, The Prophet, better known as Matthew Ellis a preacher from Lebanon Kansas, stood with his palms outstretched greeting an audience of twenty thousand. He was clean shaven, a tight crew cut with silver that had suffocated his straight black hair. The audience roared as he made his way to the main stage. He pressed his dark rimmed glasses up on his nose.

Sweat stung Jacko’s eyes as he blinked away the hot tears. His heart beating so fast it vibrated his neck. He swallowed hard.

The crowd settled and The Prophet tapped the microphone. “Greetings, friends.”

The audience cheered again and The Prophet waived to them with a soft smile.

“Well I certainly do appreciate the warm welcome.” He said as he panned his audience. “You are all too kind.” This was a humble man, there was no arrogance in his voice. He was genuinely surprised by his warm welcome, the same that he came out to every Sunday morning at 10 am.

The Prophet raised a glass of water and took a sip. He continued smiling at the crowd. The smile eased from his face and he eventually began to frown. “Now what I have to say to you next, may surprise some of you.” He gave a condemning look and glared down his long sharp nose over the rim of his glasses.

“These words may be the most important words any of you will hear in your lifetimes…” He trailed off unnaturally, the pause was uncommon for a man of his tenure. His voice was subtle but shaky. His hesitation was unexpected as he looked off into the horizon, his eyes squinted.

Jacko stared down the sight on his rifle. Had the Prophet seen him? It seemed he was staring directly at him. That wasn’t possible. He was a hundred yards away, just a small speck on the top of a three story building with plenty of cover.

The sight of the gun began to bob up and down, Jacko took his hand off the grip and shook it fiercely. “Come on, get a hold of yourself, a bounty like this doesn’t come along often.” He clenched the grip of the gun once more and forced a few deep breaths to calm his shaky hands.

“…these are uncertain times.” The Prophet continued cautiously. He waived his free hand back and forth with the other one firmly planted on the pulpit. “As some of you may know from my previous sermons, there have been signs…” He looked out to the audience. They had all sunk back in their chairs. There was a subtle unease amongst them.

The Prophet pressed his glasses back to the top of his nose. “The end is nigh.” He delivered the last bit with a terrible tremble to his voice. He ended it so abruptly on the last word, people were on the edge of their seat waiting for more.

A panicked hush spread across the crowd.

“Now I know some of you may have hoped that my predictions would not come to pass…” He paused again, surveilling the horizon with a critical eye.

“Dark times are upon us. We face a galactic threat, the likes of which human kind hasn’t faced in several hundred millennia.”  He glared at his audience. They were all too stunned to fidget.

“We must prepare…” The Prophet shifted uneasily at the pulpit and took an extended pause.

Jacko breathed short bursts working up the courage to complete his mission. He closed his eyes and squeezed the trigger.

“…For the end.” The Prophet stopped as he heard the echo ricochet off of the buildings that surrounded the outdoor stadium. His eyes gaped open as he caught a glare off of the barrel of the gun.

A Nearby speaker exploded with a shower of fireworks as the bullet made impact. The small blast sent the prophet flailing to the ground. A gasp circulated the audience as they all ducked for cover.

The Prophet scrambled to his feet, ducking low and pulling the microphone off of the podium. “Security, security…” He plead as he hid behind the newly stained cherry wood cover.

“Please everyone stay down as we get to the bottom of this.” He addressed his audience who were buried under their stadium seats.

Jacko shook his head. “Come on you idiot, that wuz an awful shot!” He cocked the rifle to load another slug. He raised it again and peered down the scope. The Prophet was peeking out from the left side of the pulpit. He settled the nose of the barrel against the edge of the rooftop for added stability.

He reached for the trigger. And paced his rapid breaths. He steadied the cross hair on The Prophet. The wind slowed to a crawl.

Jacko took one last deep breath.

The earth trembled and knocked Jacko off balance as he squeezed the trigger. The shot went wide right and he lost grip of the rifle. It went falling end over end off the side of the building. The bullet whizzed over the stadium and shattered a large projector screen that hung above the stage. The crowd gasped as more sparks flew everywhere.

“Security!” The Prophet shouted. The crowd was panicked.

The trembling coupled with the gunshot had destabilized the large monitor. It swung off of one of the cables and teetered dangerously. The quake continued and all of the electricity shut off in the stadium.

The Prophet raised the microphone to his lips, trying to pacify the crowd. “Please remain calm.” The microphone no longer worked. His voice barely reached the front row of his audience.

He looked back toward the building where the shot had come from and saw a shadow duck through a door and disappear from view.

He scraped to his feet and tossed the microphone to the side. He looked back at the horizon with a steady glare. No sign of the assailant. The Prophet ducked under the Pulpit once more and pulled out a megaphone. He stiffened up and took command of the podium.

“Everyone please!” he announced as he tried to steady himself amongst the shaking ground. “This may be it, return to your homes and do as instructed. May God save us all.”

With that the crowd filed out, crouching, pulling their loved ones in long lines behind them.

A mother was hurrying her twin toddlers past the podium, a young boy age twelve, clung to her shirt tail. She passed the podium and glanced over towards the Prophet. His face stricken with fear.

He glanced in her direction, despite the madness, he was able to share a soft smile.

She returned the favor then mouthed a few inaudible words in his direction, I love you. She turned towards the exit and rushed out with her children in tote.

The audience poured out onto the city streets. They raced past stunned citizens that had been frightened by the earth quakes and had clung to stop signs, street poles and one another.

The quaking split the earth and tore across the sky with a crimson hue.


Contents of this script are © 2016 Joseph A. Michael and are protected. Do not use for purposes other than informational.




Three months had passed since the ordeal. I was teaming with excitement to return home, Mom, Dad, Madrigal, all of them would be elated to see me return gallantly on Phase, ready to embrace the eve of my transformation. No longer a child, soon to be the newest Firewalker of Galspraith. How I would smile and accept all the compliments of my townspeople as they congratulated me on my successful journey and passage into adult hood.

But in reality, what awaited me, was far less than what I had hoped. As Phase trotted up to the edge of Galspraith, reality slowly snuck in, like the chill of the freshly frosted village.

A thin hue rose from the mirror-like surface of the town. The sun danced on its surface like the reflection from a mirror. Seemingly exhaling a last breath into the cool crisp air. This is not right–This, is not…right

My heart wrapped inside my chest, blinding my thoughts for moments at a time. Even Phase sensed something was wrong. The moment we hit the edge of town I slid off of him. I collapsed to the ground in sheer terror, the reality so unspeakably evil, I feared that what I was about to see would steal all of the joy inside of me.

I struggled to my feet as my knees wobbled like jello. In a blink, the steed next to me transformed into a magnificent phoenix, that flapped its wings majestically and hovered in the sky above. Phase clutched me around my arms and assisted me to my feet. I found my balance and stilted toward my once warm, proud city.

Phase let go and flew ahead to scout the town. I ambled forward like a newborn deer, head swiveling like a top, searching for anyone. The icy frost was so fresh you could hear the pale icy echo of its exhale. Galspraith, the once mighty town of the Firewalkers protected by the magic hearth that resided in the belly of the city and the force shield which protected its boundaries, now an icy tomb.

I struggled to find traction as I skated through the streets. Flitting past friends’ and neighbors’ houses. There were only two people on my mind, Mom (Magdelena) and Dad (Darius). I plead with every ounce of my being–please, let them be ok.

And there it stood at the edge of town just as I had left it…home. My feet whirred as I danced over the ice and before I had realized I was going too fast and couldn’t slow down. I went crashing into the side of my house dislodging a couple overhanging icicles which collapsed from the roof and shattered on the ground.

Dazed I shook my head and looked towards the front door which sat partially ajar. I scanned across the icy walls which burnt as they froze my skin. I slipped and slid up to the doorway.

The sun, hanging low, cast a soft ray inside. And there she was, frozen in time. As beautiful and magnificent as ever…Mother.

But her face was not right. It sat wrenched in agony, open, calling. Calling what? Who was she calling for? What was she saying that moment she was frozen in time. Her arms outstretched, reaching, pulling, yearning…but for what? What was she reaching for?

If only the ice could talk. Immediately and without hesitation I collapsed to my knees. Tears welled up at the corners of my cheeks and froze into icicles as they trickled down. I scooted myself along the icy floor because I was unable to walk.

I touched the foot of my mother and it sent chills up and down my spine. Her icy flesh was so bitter it stopped my once beating heart. This cannot be…this cannot be.

The mom who was half of my everything, lied there standing in agony and defeat. A statue. A lifeless statue. I heaved, wracked in pain, but nothing came out. Not food. Not water. Only a terrible sound.

My skin grew cool as it sat upon the frosted floor. So cool and oddly inviting. Did it matter? Was there anything worth fighting for anymore? Would it be easier just to slip into unconsciousness and let the cold consume me? And that’s when it struck me. The other half of my identity…Father…Darius. He wasn’t here…so he must…be…alive.

Hope picked my heart off of the floor and the wellspring of tears dried until they were no more. And I peered into the corners of our once tidy warm home. Everything had been as I left it. Oddly how I left it. But no sign of father anywhere. Just then a flash at the door, Phase came inside in his cat form. He took in the sight of mother, poor Phase, she was just as much a mother to him as she was to me. Brave Phase, he came up and he nestled against me, he rubbed his warm fur against my knees and my outstretched arms. He caressed me and reminded me that I wasn’t alone. Well, I wasn’t completely alone, and there was still hope that Father was out there, somewhere.

I found courage within to stand again. Desperation filled my soul. I would find Father, no matter what it took. I skated outside my house and headed towards the citadel. Father was the village tender of the Hearth. The pulse which kept our city going. Which kept the shield alive and which granted the power to all the new firewalkers as they came of age.

If there was anywhere else Father would be, it would be there, protecting and caring for the Hearth.

Sample Scripts - Graphic Novel


Contents of this script are © 2015-2016 Joseph A. Michael and are protected. Do not use for purposes other than informational.


PAGE 1: (5 panels) Flashback/Nightmare


Panel 1. A young 5-8 year old Jayme is running down a dark alleyway.



Closer and closer they come.


Panel 2. The young Jayme is cornered at the end of the dark alleyway



To consume me.


Panel 3. His eyes raged, clenching his fists, shaking.



To blacken me.


Panel 4. The bullies are mashing their fists with hungry eyes coming in on him like they are going to pummel poor Jayme.



To steal me away.


Panel 5. Body parts and limbs dripping from the alley way walls. Guts splattered everywhere.



…No More.


PAGE 2: (4 panels)


Panel 1. Jayme, current timeline, awakens inside 4 blank white walls. Mind numbing pain. Cold sweat.





Panel 2. Zoom out into the hallway. His scream echoes through the empty halls.



No More


Panel 3. Zoom outside of the sanitarium, his scream continues to echo into the night.


JAYME (cont’d):

No More!


Panel 4. Zoom out of city. Scream echoes to the tops of buildings causing ravens to fly from their perches.


JAYME (cont’d):



PAGE 3: (4 panels)


Panel 1. Spencer and Huckabee are facing a wall with the 3 mob bosses pinned at the top with strings connecting underbosses and crimes. There is a tally of crimes fitting reaches unique signature for that month.



This has got to stop or there won’t be a city left…


Panel 2. Spencer is pacing with a chart examining it flipping some pages.



Seven crimes this week. Poisonings, crucifixions, and bludgeonings. This has turned into a twisted power struggle.


Panel 3. Reaction shot of Huckabee responding to Spencer. He has a bit of a grin on his face, being a typical smartass.



They’re finding ways to outdo each other. I never imagined you could kill someone by making them eat too much corn.


Panel 4. Spencer looks up at Huckabee out of distress.



The department is swamped with sos calls across the city. It’s too much to handle. Never thought we’d be in this deep when we turned in those stolen computers and swore oaths to serve and protect.



You ain’t kiddin’.


PAGE 4: (4 panels)


Panel 1. A cop bursts into the room with Spencer and Huckabee.



Hey guys…we’ve got a lead on Shamus…apparently they are holed up in a shipping container on west pier.

COP (cont’d):

The boys are on their way now, thought you might want to know.


Panel 2. Spencer and Huckabee look towards each other with excitement.


Panel 3. They throw on their jackets in a hurry.



This is it Huck.


Panel 4. Huckabee holsters his gun.





PAGE 5: (6 panels)


Panel 1. Nurse Lyn comes walking down the hall towards Jayme’s room.




NURSE LYN (cont’d):

Are you ok dear?

NURSE LYN (cont’d):

I think your scream woke up the entire floor.


Panel 2. Nurse Lyn walks up to Jayme’s room.



Another nightmare?


Panel 3. A view into Jayme’s room though the window port. He is rocking back and forth in the corner.


JAYME (whispering):

N…N…No More…


Panel 4. The nurse’s face is forlorn with worry for her patient. Voices come from off panel.


GUARD (op):

Step aside Ms. Lynn, the Dr. is ready for Jayme.


Panel 5. Two large male nurses unlock Jayme’s room as the Nurse steps aside they are wielding poles with nooses.


Panel 6. They noose Jayme’s neck and pull him outside.


NURSE LYN (thought cloud):

Stay strong Jayme, stay strong.


PAGE 6: (6 panels)


Panel 1. They enter into a room and Jayme is positioned in a central chair and strapped in by the male nurses. The Dr. is watching from the side of the panel, you can see a silhouette of his face in the foreground.


  1. REDD:

Ahh Jayme, how goes it my boy?


Panel 2. Electrodes are attached by the Dr. to Jayme in different areas (their wires run off panel to the floor, which will connect to the control panel off panel). Jayme is exhausted from his nightmare and sits there without resistance.


  1. REDD:

The flavor of the day is electricity my boy.


Panel 3. He finishes placing electrodes that are connected to wires running to a control panel.


  1. REDD:

With any luck, we will burn the crazy right out of you.


Panel 4. The Dr. turns towards the control panel as Jayme is off in the background strapped on the chair with wires running from all over his body. A slight growing sadistic smile begins to form on his face. A heavy shadow casts down over his facial features making him look extra villainous.


Panel 5. The Dr. looms over a control panel, you can see the various buttons and dials indicating a shock/electricity control panel. One knob controls the level of electricity running to the patient and has 5 various levels. The 4th and 5th levels have a red bar above it much like an RPM gauge showing that it is not advised to go that high.


Panel 6. A tight of the Dr.’s face his eyes are lit up with sadistic glee and a wicked smile.



PAGE 7: (7 panels)


Panel 1. The Dr. turns the knob to the first position.




Panel 2. Jayme is sitting there and slightly arches his back from the electricity coursing through his body. The nurse is off to the side observing and she is biting her lip in shame and sympathy having a hard time watching her friend suffer.





JAYME (muffled):



Panel 3. The electricity continues to flow and Jayme stays arched. Some light smoke can barely begin to be seen drifting up from his clothes. Jayme’s eyes are closed and the rest of his body seems like it is somewhere else, somewhere far away.


Panel 4. The Dr. walks around the console towards Jayme with a look of glee on his face.


  1. REDD:

Ahh, yes, so far so good, my boy.


Panel 5. The Dr. hovers over Jayme with a peculiar look on his face.


Panel 6. He leans in to get an up close view of the look on Jayme’s face. The Dr. Looks disappointed and his bifocles are highly reflective of the bright lights above.


  1. REDD:


  1. REDD:

No good, it’s not enough.


Panel 7. Nurse Lyn is suspiciously close to the console like she was going to shut it off. The look of anticipation and sympathy rests on her face.



PAGE 8: (5 panels)


Panel 1. The Dr. spins back towards the control panel as Nurse Lyn was just reaching towards the control panel as the Dr. begins to turn around



This boy never ceases to amaze me! Such stamina, such resilience. He’s my proudest accomplishment yet!


Panel 2. Nurse Lyn hurriedly withdraws her arm.


Panel 3. She straightens her back and quickly steps back from the console with a look of innocence on her face.


Panel 4. The Dr. is walking right at Nurse Lyn now.


Dr. Redd (raised):



Panel 5. A tight on the Dr.’s lips.


  1. REDD:

Prepare to be amazed.


PAGE 9: (7 panels)


Panel 1. Jayme is navigating parts of a decrepit crime-ridden city. He is heavily shadowed so you can’t see his outfit.


Panel 2. Through his eyes you can see him break into a gang hideaway. They are all sitting around playing cards, gambling, smoking, drinking. They are a group of Shamus’ men.


Panel 3. The group of mobsters all get up and start cursing.


Mobster 1.

The ‘ell you doin’ here mate?

Mobster 2.

Yeah, buster. Who the eff d’you think you are?


Panel 4. The gangsters are all frozen unable to move. You can see the front of Jayme’s hand raised facing them.







Panel 5. A medium tight of the Dr. increasing the amperage on the electrocution experiment. The Nurse Lyn is beside him looking on, her face is withdrawn and she feel sympathy for the young man.



Yes, good. I feel your pain my boy!


Panel 6. A medium tight of Jayme holding his head with his off hand trying to get the voice out of his head.


DR REDD OP (raised):

You are one with the pain. Embrace it!


PAGE 10: Splash page


Panel 1. Jayme goes supernova, his eyes turn mirrored and the edges of his outfit are lit up like neons and floating.


JAYME (shouting):



PAGE 11: Splash page


Panel 1. From Jayme’s perspective, a complete gore bath, everything is splattered in blood and body bits.


PAGE 12: (5 panels)


Panel 1. Spencer and Huckabee make it to the scene of the crime. They just snuck through the entry with their guns drawn. You can see the back of Jayme, as he is starting to walk out the back of the facility, and he is looking over his shoulder at the sound.



Hold it right there!



Freeze kid!


Panel 2. Tight of the two cops.



Uhh, Spencer, I can’t move.



Roger that Huck, I’m frozen solid.



…you had to say ‘Freeze’?!


Panel 3. Dr. Redd is standing over his control panel getting ready to move the electricity up to a lethal dose to any normal human.



Shall we test your limits?


Panel 4. Through the mirror of Jayme’s eyes, he is now facing the cops, you see his raised hand, like from before, and the cops with guns drawn, still frozen. They have horrified/scared looks on their faces.


Panel 5. Inset into previous panel bottom right. Dr. Redd moves the electricity up another level.




PAGE 13: (7 panels)


Panel 1. Jayme is glowing like before, the edges of his robes are lifted.


Panel 2. Tight back of Jayme’s head. Smoke is rising from under his cowl.





Panel 3. The Dr. repeatedly hits clicks the switch back and forth as smoke pours out from the control panel. The Dr. has shorted it from running to much electricity through it.







DR REDD (raised) (cont’d):

This can’t be!


Panel 4. The Dr. slams his hands on the counsel, frustrated.


  1. REDD (yelling):



PAGE 14: (5 panels)


Panel 1. A squad of cops burst into the warehouse with guns drawn.



Freeze! Don’t move!


Panel 2. A medium tight of Huckabee and Spencer, a comedic pause, since they are frozen.


Panel 3. The cop sees a shadow disappear into the recesses of the warehouse. Guns go firing in his direction.





Panel 4. Spencer and Huckabee collapse into a pile on the ground.


Panel 5. One of the cops comes up and kneels down next to them checking vitals.


COP 2:

We’re clear, vitals are good.


COP 1:

What were you two thinking?! Are you trying to get yourselves killed?!


PAGE 15: (6 panels)


Panel 1. The cops help up Spencer and Huckabee as they hold their heads trying to shake headaches.





Panel 2. Huckabee looks towards Spencer a medium tight of his upper body.





Panel 3. Spencer arches her back to stretch it out with her hands on her hips.



Does that count as one of my nine lives?


HUCK (op):

Yeah, I-I think it does.


Panel 4. Spencer snaps her fingers out of disappointment.



Shit, then, I’m all out.


Panel 5. Huck lightens up and laughs at Spencers tough humor.



Always got your sense of humor about you. That’s what I like about ya Spencer.


Panel 6. Their eyes meet in an awkward moment of longing.


PAGE 16: (5 panels)


Panel 1. The one cop that spoke to them previously coughs under his breath to break up the tension holding his hand in a fist up to his mouth.





Panel 2. Both Spencer and Huck break the awkward moment by scratching their heads and turning away from one another.








Panel 3. Huck points a finger up into the air like he has just thought of something.





Panel 4. Spencer finishes his sentence.



Get back to HQ and report to the chief.


Panel 5. A medium tight of the expressions of two of the cops in the room. They are rolling their eyes at the comedy that is Spencer and Huck.


PAGE 17: (6 panels)


Panel 1. Dr. Redd takes his arm and shoves all the papers off the console sending them flying in all directions.


Panel 2. Dr. Redd looks extremely cross in a medium tight as he storms towards the front of the panel towards the door of the room.


  1. REDD (muttering to himself):

Damn place can’t afford some decent wiring!


Panel 3. He continues to mutter to himself under his breath as he nears the door frame.


  1. REDD (muttering to himself cont’d):

How can a man do his work without the right tools?


Panel 4. The nurse is in the far part of the panel looking at the papers strewn everywhere and the smoke dissipating off of Jayme.


  1. REDD:

Oh Nurse Lyn…

  1. REDD (cont’d):

Be a dear and clean this mess up.


Panel 5. The Dr. disappears through the doorway as Nurse Lyn is crouching down picking up the papers on the ground.


Panel 6. In a tight view, she looks up quickly to make sure the Dr. is completely gone.


PAGE 18: (5 panels)


Panel 1. The Nurse stands with the stack of papers looking towards Jayme.


Panel 2. She walks quickly to his side and places the papers on a tray table.


Panel 3. She pulls the wires from his body.


Panel 4. She leans in close.


Panel 5. She whispers in his ear.



It’s ok Jayme…

NURSE LYN (cont’d):

It’s all over.


PAGE 19: (6 panels)


Panel 1. Shamus is sitting at an oversized executive desk in an undisclosed locale.


Panel 2. He is tossing a buoy knife into the air, humming while he plays.


SHAMUS (musical notes):

Whistle Whistle Whistle


Panel 3. A blood drenched man comes bursting through the door.





Panel 4. A tight of Shamus’ face, surprised. His whistling comes to an abrupt stop


SHAMUS (musical notes that get cut off):

Whistle Whis…


Panel 5. The stranger is kneeling down after his fall with one hand on the ground. It’s everything he has to prop himself up.





Panel 6. He stands shakily.



West-West pier got hit…hard.


PAGE 20: (6 panels)


Panel 1. Shamus stands abruptly sending his chair flying back crashing into the wall.





SHAMUS (raised):



Panel 2. Shamus looks mencing wielding his buoy knife in his hands.



Did you just say to me?


Panel 3. The man tries to stand strong, although wavering, straightening his back.



The West Pier…No-ones left.


Panel 4. Shamus launches his buoy knife at the man





Panel 5. You can see a medium tight of just the buoy knife rotating halfway through it’s flight, in slow motion.


Panel 6. The knife hits the man square in the throat sending him flying backwards now in resumed regular speed.





PAGE 21: (6 panels)


Panel 1. Shamus is kneeling down next to the man with the buoy knife sticking in his throat.





Panel 2. Shamus shaking his head at the guy.



Didn’t I train ye idiots not to bring meh bad news?


Panel 3. Shamus pulls a phone out of his pocket with his off hand, pressing buttons.


Panel 4. He grabs hold of the hilt of his buoy knife still deposited in the throat of the man.


Panel 5. He places the phone up to his ear while talking.



The war…


Panel 6. A medium tight of the man’s throat while laying on the ground. Shamus is off panel but tugs the buoy knife out, revealing a nasty gash in the man’s throat.



Has begun!


Contents of this script are © 2016 Joseph A. Michael and are protected. Do not use for purposes other than informational.


Chapter 1: The Eternal Night


PAGE 1 (5 panels, IDENTICAL size wide panels in vertical row):


Panel 1. A black panel, wide, nothing but text.


DANIEL woozy:

Sa-Sarah run…

DANIEL woozy (cont’d):



DANIEL [Swooshing Tale to bottom right] (cont’d):



Panel 2. A nearly identical panel to the previous once in vertical succession. A match is struck causing a small spark barely illuminating the panel. You see a rough silhouette of a large man laying on his back inside a long box, no details though. (later revealed as a coffin)


SFX: scritch scritch


Panel 3. The flame dies out and we are left with another black panel and dialogue.


Daniel (straining):

Come on damn you…<ungh>…just one time.


Panel 4. He strikes the match again. We have another identical wide panel directly underneath the previous.


SFX: scritch


Panel 5. The coffin illuminates and you can see Daniel’s features dimly illuminated and the grain of the bottom of the makeshift coffin’s (pine box) wood grain. His face is all battered and bloody with black and blue marks and lacerations all over.





PAGE 2: (6 panels)


Panel 1. An outside medium view of a car zooms off into the desert. The freshly dug grave (with Daniel inside) is in the foreground giving perspective.




Panel 2. A similar view but a tight on the trunk.




VOICE inside trunk OP:



Panel 3. A bloodied black and blue eyed girl (12) is being restrained by a gangster. She has a gag in her mouth and she has tears streaming down red puffy cheeks. Her gag is sopping wet. A gun is pressed against her chin.



Know why mommy’s in the trunk?


Panel 4. The gangster pulls up his sleeve revealing a nasty bite wound where a chunk of flesh is missing.



Cuz she can’t play nice!


Panel 5. The gangster places the gun back against her chin pressing it into her face.



Now be a good girl…


Panel 6. A tight of the young girl she is panicking and incredibly fearful.



…and don’t disappoint DADDY!


PAGE 3: (6 panels, first 3 are IDENTICAL wide panels in vertical succession)


NARRATOR: One Week Later


Panel 1. Wide panel (1 of 3 in vertical succession) The same desert road with tumble weeds and sand blowing across it. A long shot towards the road which disappears into the horizon with a haze from the hot sun reflecting off of the pavement.


Panel 2. Wide panel (2 of 3 in vertical succession) The same scene with a small gust of wind and a scorpion crossing the road. There is a bit of dust being kicked up in the horizon.


Panel 3. Wide panel (3 of 3 in vertical succession) Similar wide scene but a Missionary/Tour Bus comes into view.


Panel 4. The tour bus comes chugging along the desert road. License plate says NEBRASKA.


Panel 5. It pulls off to the side of the road.




Panel 6. A few people get off the bus to stretch.



5 minute stretch and we are back on the road.


PAGE 4: (5 panels)


Panel 1. The people are straightening cricks in their necks and backs.


Panel 2. They start to wonder out into the edge of the dessert to make space in between one another. The people have a weird nack about them. There’s something not quite right. They are sort of country bumpkin/inbred like folk.


Panel 3. One of them strays near where Daniel was buried alive. And there is something metallic that reflects the sun rays.


Panel 4. The person leans in to brush some sand away. Part of a polished silver locket is revealed


Panel 5. The person picks up the locket and holds it shoulder high from its chain.


PERSON (Hugh):

Hey Fran, y’aint gunna believe this!


PAGE 5: (6 panels)


Panel 1. Fran the lady that was the first out of the tour bus walks over towards the person.



What is it Hugh? We gotta get back on the bus in two minutes if we are going to make Nebraska by morning!


Panel 2. She makes it next to the guy and stares intently at the pocket watch as she holds it and it has been clicked open.



Ain’t that something.

FRAN: (cont’d)

Nice lookin family…


Panel 3. Tight at their feet, the sand begins to sift/funnel inward.


Panel 4. Fran looks down at the funnel of sand sifting inward.



Now, I’ll be. What do we have here?


Panel 5. She kneels down and wipes the sand away. It begins to cave in faster.


FRAN: Stu, get over here quick!


Panel 6. A man breaks rank from a small group of church folk and hustles over, he is nearly identical to Stu, except signs of inbred.


PAGE 6: (6 panels)


Panel 1. Fran points towards the funnel of sand.



We still got that shovel in the bus?



Yes miss! Want me I should get it fer ya?


Panel 2. Fran perks up looking up at him.



That would be mighty kind Stu.


Panel 3. Stu salutes Fran.



One moment miss.


Panel 4. Stu disappears towards the bus running inside.


Panel 5. The same view of bus but STU emerges with the shovel.


Panel 6. Fran points towards the funnel of sand.



Dig here Stu.


PAGE 7: (5 panels)


Panel 1. There’s a pile of sand to the side and Stu is still digging away. Sweat beads at his brow and soaks his shirt. Fran and some of the others have come to stand in a small circle to watch.


Panel 2. Stu strikes another time with the shovel to get a shovel full of sand.




Panel 3. Fran eyes light up.




FRAN: (cont’d)

Everyone, help Stu!


Panel 4. People all drop to their knees and start pulling sand away from where the sound was heard.


Panel 5. They reveal parts of the pine box covered by sand.


Page 8: (6 panels)


Panel 1. The rest of the sand is brushed away from the pine box.


Panel 2. Fran puts her hands on her hips.



Well? What are you waiting for? Open her up!


Panel 3. Tight of the shovel wedging near the edge of the pine box lid.


Panel 4. Stu forces the handle down and the lid pops ajar.




Panel 5. Everyone helps to pry the lid off. You still don’t see what’s inside and neither do they.




Panel 6. From what would be Daniel’s perspective staring up at all of the Church members, they are all starting down at him in circle formation with aghast looks on their faces.





PAGE 9: (6 panels)


Panel 1. Same view as panel 6 from last one. All the faces are the same except for Stu.



Is-is he alive, miss?


Panel 2. Above ground view. You can make out the hole at the foot of all the people standing around.



Quick get me some water!


Panel 3. A woman runs over with a water jug.


Panel 4. Fran splashes the water onto Daniels face.


Panel 5. A medium tight of Daniel.





Panel 6. A tight on the face of Fran.



Sweet Jesus, he’s alive!

FRAN: (cont’d)

Get him outta this hole.


PAGE 10: (6 panels)


Panel 1. They rest Daniel on the sand at normal level. A couple people tend to him wiping the stale blood on his face with clothes and bathing him in water.



<Nnnnh Unnnnh>


Panel 2. Fran kneels next to Daniel and props his head up with one hand and tips the jug of water to his lips with the other.


Panel 3. Tight of Daniel beginning to drink the water.


Panel 4. The entire jug is nearly gone.



Hurry, more water!


Panel 5. Daniel is twitching and falls into a coughing fit.



<Cough Cough>


Panel 6. A tight of Fran’s face from Daniel’s perspective, it is a bit blurred through his eyes. Her face is heavily creased from time. You almost can only see a silhouette with a bright light backdrop from the sun. Causing the false illusion of a Divine Presence.



Go-God, is that you?


PAGE 11: (6 panels)


Panel 1. Fran turns quickly to the others.


FRAN: We got a believer! Praise Jesus!


Panel 2. The others all celebrate by hugging one another.


Panel 3. Fran’s perspective looking at Daniel. He is really confused, his eyes barely cracked and he is severely dehydrated.



Where you from son?





Panel 4. Fran asserts her question for clarity.



Where’s home for you boy?





Panel 5. Fran orders towards Stu and the others.



Let’s get him on the bus, the heat isn’t helping the situation at all.



Yes ma’am.


Panel 6. A pack of 3 church goers have Daniel on his feet and they are walking back towards the bus with his arms slung over their shoulders. It takes everything they have to support the very large and muscular man.


PAGE 12: (6 panels)


Panel 1. They are back on the bus and Daniel is now sitting back in one of the front seats. One of the members is still tending to him and raising water to his lips.


Panel 2. Fran is standing up in the aisle looking at Daniel.


FRAN: Do you know how you got in that pine box, son?


Panel 3. Daniel looks up at her.



Box…no, no I don’t.


Panel 4. Stu looks towards Fran.



What we gonna do Miss?


Panel 5. A small tight square panel of Fran’s lips. A slow evil smile curls upon them.


Panel 6. The same small square panel tight of Fran’s lips offset bottom right. This time she is serious, lips parted.



Let’s take him home!


Contents of this script are © 2016 Joseph A. Michael and are protected. Do not use for purposes other than informational.




PAGE 1: (Full Page Splash Panel)


Panel 1. A full splash page of Sabrina. She looks like she just crash landed at the edge of an alleyway in a deserted part of town (material world). She is wearing disheveled/ratted clothes, like she has been searching for something and seemingly lost. She holds her right hand against her forehead to steady her thoughts. Her opposite hand outstretched trying to find that balance.


There is a shadow that is beginning to materialize behind her, bringing with it an impending sense of doom. Perhaps glowing eyes in the distance or some other sense of dread. The shadows aren’t too close yet, but will get larger as the panels progress.



All those stories you were told as a child, about how you would grow up, meet the man of your dreams, have a house with a white picket fence and a happy ever after…It’s all bullshit.



Well, in this realm anyways. Maybe in the Fey world there is something known as happiness.



But not in this God Awful hellhole. This place reeks of insensitivity and greed. I guess that’s why they call it The Material World.


PAGE 2: (6 panels)


Panel 1. Medium tight of Sabrina, trying to collect her thoughts. Her eyes are squinted and the edges of them are wrinkled along with her nose, as she tries to sort everything out.



And that sort of brings me here. If I’m being quite honest, I don’t exactly remember how I got here or what I was doing. My short term memory has been a bit spotty lately.


Panel 2. A wider view of Sabrina, in a similar pose as the first page and first panel of this page. But you get a better sense of her surroundings, the material city. There is a growing darkness at the edge of the page or a looming shadow. (The Evil Executive)



Ever since I crash landed in the material world. I don’t know much else other than the fact that I have an extremely bad feeling. A little foreboding. Or, like, something sinister is just around the corner.


Panel 3. Another medium wide the shadows growing a little closer a little longer. Sabrina straightens up and stretches, her stomach makes a noise.





Panel 4. A medium tight of Sabrina’s face head on, she is taking a moment like she’s thinking about something. Behind her you can see the sinister shadows now, creepy and scary, perhaps translucent glowing eyes (green or red).





Panel 5. A similar view but she shrugs forgetting what she was trying to think about.



Ah hell, I’m starved. Time to find something to eat in this dump.


Panel 6. A wider view, she dives to the side as a car come crashing up over the sidewalk. The shadow momentarily retreats.






PAGE 3: (6 panels)


Panel 1. The car hops back off the curb and moves past her.



Hey! Watch where you’re going asshole!





Panel 2. Inside the car, a rear middle passenger view of Deoris and Pyro looking down at Deoris’ map. They are completely distracted, looking at a map. The map can be a techno map, with bright led/fluorescent lights and a grid like panel with a topographical map.



Keep us on the road, would you?

DEORIS (cont’d):

Are you sure you know how to drive one of these things?


Panel 3. An over the shoulder shot of Deoris looking at Pyro with a toothy grin.



Relax Deoris, I’m a professional.

PYRO (cont’d):

Don’t worry about the lil bumps.


Panel 4. The car drives towards the foreground with Sabrina in the background giving a middle finger salute to the passing car dusting herself off.



Stay focused, remember Sabrina’s human form can take any manifestation.



That narrows it down a bit, dontcha think?


Panel 5. Medium tight of Deoris, a resentful look on her face as she rolls her eyes at Pyro.



Ughh. Men, I don’t know what my sister ever saw in you anyways.


Panel 6. Sabrina is straightening a crick in her back from nearly getting plowed over and scratching her head. The shadow is growing larger again. More foreboding than any of the previous panels, ready to lunge and swipe up Sabrina.



These people, I swear, there’s no respect any more!

SABRINA (cont’d):

What was I doing?


PAGE 4: (6 panels)


Panel 1. Sabrina doubles over just as the shadows swipe at the air above her missing her.








Panel 2. Sabrina stays knelt down. She places two fingers from her right hand to her forehead while concentrating. Meanwhile the shadow grows around her sinister.


SABRINA (cont’d):



Panel 3. The shadow winds up to attack/capture her and she is know completely in darkness. But her eyes are closed tight and she is concentrating.


SABRINA (cont’d):



Panel 4. The shadow is at full force and completetly consuming Sabrina.


SABRINA (cont’d):



Panel 5. Sabrina teleports away just in the nick of time, a thin cloud and intense light is left in her wake. Like a pulse it disperses and cuts through the darkness.




Panel 6. An empty alleyway, a bit of wind has kicked up some of the litter and trash. Sabrina is gone.


PAGE 5: (6 panels)


Panel 1. Sabrina pops up in a diner, next to an old woman enjoying a cup of coffee. Silent humor.


Panel 2. The woman peers over the top of her coffee mug astonished. Silent humor.


Panel 3. Sabrina offers a hand and a polite smile. She has a tooty grin on her face like she’s a big goof.





Panel 4. The lady’s eyes cross and she begins to fall to the side.





Panel 5. The coffee mug drops towards the table.


Panel 6. Sabrina catches it before it crashes.





PAGE 6: (6 panels)


Panel 1. Seated at one of the high top stools is a black suited man, tough, African american. He is wearing dark shades and an ear piece. He is muscular and large. He has a squarish jaw. The man leans over towards his wrist.



Agent Feck, do you have eyes on the target?


Panel 2. An outside view of the diner. There is a woman in a dark car, you can see high tech binoculars raised to her eyes. She is wearing a similar suit. She has blonde hair pulled back in a neat and tight pony tail. Thin lips, small subtle but pretty features. With her right hand she has her wrist raised to her mouth.



Roger that sir, she appeared just where you predicated.


Panel 3. A through the binocular view of Sabrina, through the glass of the diner. Maybe a green tint to the view since it is through the tech binoculars. She is trying to keep a low profile seated next to the passed out old lady. She is looking around a bit nervously but still a bit of a goof.



May I add sir, how did you know…?


Panel 4. The man at the high top stool continues to speak to his partner through his wrist com.



Nevermind that Feck, keep to the mission as planned.

AGENT CARTER: (cont’d)

Plenty of time for questions later.


Panel 5. Sabrina raises a hand for a passing waitress while she puts a hand around the passed out elderly woman, giving her a gentle hug. Silent comedy.



Granny decided to take a snooze, can you add a burger and fries to the check?


Panel 6. Medium tight of the waitress scribbling on an order pad. Agent Carter continues to communicate in the background.



Burger and fries, you got it kiddo.


AGENT CARTER (background):

I’m moving on three. You keep an eye on any spatial anomalies.


PAGE 7: (6 panels)


Panel 1. Carter looks slightly over his left shoulder at Sabrina who is making whimsical motions with her hands, touching her thumb with her middle finger opposite hand and a couple other fingers together. Silent comedy.





AGENT FECK (through comm.):



Panel 2. Same view, Sabrina has stopped with the whimsical movements and she is alerted.




AGENT FECK (through comm.):



Panel 3. Same view, Sabrina has stopped everything and is raising her two fingers towards her head.





AGENT FECK (through comm.):



Panel 4. Medium tight/head on view of Agent Carter rises and holds a badge in his left hand and a gun raised in his right.



Special Agent Carter, freeze!


Panel 5. A medium tight of Sabrina’s seat, an energy wave like that from the alleyway and a ball of light is all that’s left.





Panel 6. The cup of coffee goes spiraling off of the table. Agent Carter leaning into his wrist and catches the coffee with his off hand.



Feck!? What the hell?! You were supposed to alert–



–SIR! I was trying to tell you, there was a large energy spike. She must of sensed the danger.



DAMNIT Feck! Get Gibson on the line. We are going to have to rethink our strategy. We can’t let her fall into the wrong hands. The entire fate of the world relies on us.



Understood sir!


PAGE 8: (6 panels)


Panel 1. Deoris and Pyro’s car begins to smoke from outside as the car continues down the road.



Uhh, Pyro…

DEORIS: (cont’d):

That’s not good, is it?





Panel 2. An interior view of Pyro, Tight on his face, he is grimacing.



Great Timing!

PYRO (cont’d)

Humanity hangs in the balance…


Panel 3. A tight of the dash board, the rpm’s drop dangerously low and a warning light is illuminated.



And we just lost our method of transportation.


Panel 4. The car is pulled off to the side of the street and the passenger door is open.



I’m a professional, he says…

DEORIS: (cont’d)

Don’t worry about the little bumps, he says…


PYRO: (through glass)

Shut yer yap woman. It ain’t helpin’


Panel 5. Deoris has the map extended at full arms reach trying to make sense of it. The same high tech map with a moving screen or blinking targets/energy monitors.



Ya know…what if she’s masking her energy Pyro? I mean she is a 3rd reich fey. She would have that ability, even if she is still a bit groggy from the continuum shift.



Shit…you think?


So we are chasing a ghost?


Panel 6. Tight of Deoris.



A very elusive one…

Sample Pages - Comics

Only Human #1

Only Human 1. Story/Letters: Joseph A. Michael Pencils: Dan Gorman Colors: Yinfaowei

Only Human #0

Only Human 0. Story: Joseph A. Michael Art: Don Ellis Letters: Ydao

Only Human #2

Only Human 2. Story: Joseph A. Michael Art: Don Ellis Letters: Ydao

Zorn #1

Zorn 1. Story: Joseph A. Michael Art: Kidbot Letters: Ydao

Femforce #174

Atomic Blonde 1. Story/Letters: Joseph A. Michael Art: Dan Gorman Inks: Michael Brantley

Femforce #177

Atomic Blonde 2. Story/Letters: Joseph A. Michael Art: Dan Gorman Inks: Scott Shriver